Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Can you make money if you are SELF EMPLOYED?

Are you scared to venture into the world of  "self employment"? Many folks indeed are frightened of the thought. The potential for the loss of financial security is a definite factor for many. What is not often considered is the fact that you are essentially capped on your earning potential with a run of the mill job.

Being scared is normal and okay. Unfortunately if you are forced into unemployment you may not have time for frightened. Do you have resources and tools to potentially earn an income on your own? Do you have equipment, electronics, ATVs, tractors, lawn mowers,pressure washers, etc? Any of these tools can be coupled with your willingness and knowledge and turned into self employment.

Recently I was laid off. After being in retail management for the last fifteen years it was scary for a few minutes but I soon realized i had no time for that. I would just conduct business as I normally had but produce a different service. In a career as a manager you are always held accountable for your action. In real life there is no difference. Good effort usually does not go unrecognized in the product or service you produce.

After investigating what resources I had available to me I quickly came to the realization that I had a money production machine. It was my Woodmizer sawmill. I had purchased it several months prior to being laid off as a hobby.  That Monday I started investing the time that I normally spent at work operating the sawmill. After just a few days I had more product sold than I could produce. I then hired one of my previous co-workers. A few more days of production passed and I hired another laborer. I now do nothing but office tasks and my manual labor is accomplished for me.

As each day passes the previous is laid in memory as a successful day. Days quickly accumulate and turns to weeks, then months. As each day is handled with task management and efficiency coordination everything else will seem to fall in place. No matter what your niche or available tool do yourself a favor and use it. Anyone can find stability within their own. Our maker planted that seed of ability.Sometimes we must be forced to harvest it. Good luck and go to work, NOW

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